Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

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Speculative Fiction Book Club: Richard Matheson, I am Legend

| Otherland

Every second Friday of the month at 7.30 pm we, the English speaking clientele of the Otherland Bookshop, meet to discuss a selected science fiction, fantasy or horror book and enjoy snacks and drinks in our favourite bookstore.

In February, we'll be discussing Richard Matheson's great avant la lettre Zombie novel I am Legend, an sf classic in it's own right. It's a short book and a tight narrative, so you have ample time to buy and read it with two or three days advance notice. Don't even think about waching one of the three movies based on it instead - they all have very little in common with the actual book.

If you, too, enjoy reading speculative fiction and you're interested, you're more than welcome to join us! No registration required, just drop in.

Check out the Otherlander's Blog for further information, including all dates and current books as well as reviews of all the books we've read.



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