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Frisches aus dem Geschäft

Autor*innenabend mit Harry Josephine Giles

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(English version below)
Harry Josephine Giles, die Autorin von The Deep Wheel Orcadia, verband gekonnt einen Leseteil aus dem Wheel in Ornkey, mit unterhaltsamen Erzählungen und gedankenvollen Antworten über Sprache, Identität und Verortung zu einem lustigen Abend, denn wie Josie nachdrücklich sagte: Lyrik muss auch lustig sein und Spaß machen. Alle sind immer so ernst.
Im Laufe des Abends hat Dr. Giles auch Empfehlungen und Anmerkungen zu einer ganzen Reihe anderer Bücher gemacht, eine Liste findet Ihr unter dem englischen Teil am Ende dieser Seite.
In English:
Harry Josephine Giles, the author of Deep Wheel Orcadia skillfully combined a reading from the novel in Ocadian with entertaining stories and thoughtful responses about language, identity and location to create a fun evening, because as Josie emphatically said: poetry also has to be funny and fun. Everyone is always so serious.

Dr. Giles (being erudite and enthusiastic in the extreme) mentioned many, many texts you might like to look into further. For your convenience, you will find them below in a beautifully organised list! As always, you can purchase these from us in paper format or as audio books from our partner libro.fm (linked below where available)

If you can't get enough Deep Wheel Orcadia, you can purchase the audiobook (read by Josie herself) at libro.fm . It's frankly glorious to read the Orkney along with this charming and spirited rendition of the story.

You may also want to check out the video game Saltsea Chronicles Josie co-wrote last year.

You can find out about Josie's next book here (title of "Them", out on June 6th of this year), and preorder it either from us in paper form or as audio-book . Don't forget: she'll be back in Berlin for the poetry festival in July so keep your eyes open for that.

- In the Same Light: 200 Tang Poems for Our Century, Wong May
- Dastram / Delirium, Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair, tr. Taylor Strickland
- The Butterfly's Burden, Mahmoud Darwish, tr. Fady Joudah

Interesting Scotttish science fiction:
- Matthew Fitt, But 'n' Ben A-Go-Go
- Naomi Mitchison, Solution Three
- Ken MacLeod, The Star Fraction

Sundry other books Dr. Giles mentioned:
- The Corn King and the Spring Queen, Naomi Mitchison
- Always Coming Home, Ursula Le Guin
- Babel or the Necessity of Violence, R.F. Kuang
- Unquenchable Fire, Rachel Pollack
- Godmother Night, Rachel Pollack
- The Golden Gate, Vikram Seth
- Autobiography of Red / Red Doc, Anne Carson
- S.M.D.H., Natalie Celeste Tautou (content note for VERY extreme horror)


We'd like to thank the diffrakt collective, Scottish Books International, Pan Macmillan, the other Josie, and especially Tobias St. for their respective help with making this event happen!




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