Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

Our service for you!


We send out an email newsletter once a month. In it you can find recommendations for reading from the month's selection of new publications, and an overview of events and readings that will take place in our shop over the following weeks.

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You can subscribe to our newsletter via the form above. The data you submit will be used exclusively for sending you the newsletter and not transmitted to anyone else. If your email address changes, or you no longer want to receive the newsletter, please just send us an email, or click the link at the bottom of the mail.

By subscribing you agree that we can use your data for sending our monthly email newsletter. There is no other use of your data either by us or others. Please also note our data protection declaration with regard to revocation options and your rights to information.

Gift Certificates

Sometimes even the best recommendation doesn’t seem exactly right. If you’re unsure – with or without our help – which book to give away, then a gift certificate can be the solution. For many readers walking into their favourite book shop and choosing a book without having to pay for it may just be a dream come true.

We can issue gift certificates to any amount, without expiration period, and they can be redeemed over any number of purchases.

Ordering and shipping

We can order any available German or English book (not just science fiction/fantasy/horror) for you to pick up at the Otherland. If you order a book that our wholesaler K&V has in stock, we will have it for you on the next day (if you order before 5 p.m.) or the day after (if you order after 5 p.m.).

Books that our wholesaler does not have in stock we can order directly from the German publisher or from the US. In this case, delivery will usually take one to two weeks. You can order in person at our store (Bergmannstraße, opposite the Marheinekehalle), or via telephone, or email during our opening hours.

Tel: (030) 69505117


We can also ship book directly to your home. Shipping usually takes 3-5 days in addition to the time it takes us to obtain the book from the wholesaler or publisher. Within Germany we will send book rate packages up to 1 kg for €1,20 and larger parcels for €3,50 postage (for parcels with items that are not books we will invoice the full shipping costs), and we will include an invoice with the shipment.

We do not have an online store, as we like to be in personal contact with our customers. Please also observe our general terms and conditions for orders.

Otherland Book store
Bergmannstr. 25 / Ecke Friesenstraße
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Teile uns und lass Berlin lesen  

Wo die Zukunft beginnt ...
und das Herz der Fantasy schlägt!
»... the world-famous bookshop.« − Tad Williams